Read Write Inc

In our lesson today we had to sort the sounds into two sets, We created a ‘b’ set and a ‘s’ set. Each of us took it in turns to choose a sound and put it into the correct set.

Our next activity was to use the tweezers to collect the sounds from the sensory tray. As we picked up the sound we had to say s or b.

Everyone tried writing the sounds using chalk on the chalk board.

Our final challenge was to lace either a ‘s’ or ‘b’ sound.


Sound of the day ‘b’.

Our sound we learnt today was b.

Our first activity was to write the sound using a brush.

Our second activity was to use the toy car on the ‘b’ road track to letter the letter formation for it.

Our last activity was to grab a ball using the grabber and read the sound on it.



Class One enjoyed a special treat this week, We had a storyteller called Johnny to tell us stories,
The first story we enjoyed was Goldilocks and the three bears.

Three Little Pigs

Red Riding Hood

Class One had a fabulous time. Our teacher was proud of our acting skills.