Fairtrade Delights


As part of Grwp Gwydihw’s RE activity, the children were required to learn a basic knowledge about Fairtrade. They were able to extend this knowledge through making rice crispy cakes using Fairtrade chocolate. These were then shared with the class. What a treat!

The Wonders of Our World




Class 1 have started a new topic in RE today called ‘Our World.’ As part of one of our small group activities we were asked to think about what we wonder about the world and questions we would like to ask God.

Some of the pupils questions included:

Aidan: How did God get up there?

Reuben: How many people are in heaven?

Megan: Does God have a beard?

Religious sing-song

Religious sing-song

Today Class 1 learnt two new religious songs including ‘Praise Him’ and ‘He’s Got The Whole World In His Hand’ as we are currently learning about our world and thanking God for all of the wonderful things he made for us.

All of the children really enjoyed singing whilst being accompanied by the keyboard.